Policies & Procedures for ISU Students, Faculty and Staff
Iowa State University provides equal employment opportunity and is committed to assuring that its programs are free from prohibited discrimination and harassment based upon race, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy, color, religion, national origin, physical or mental disability, age (40 and over), marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, genetic information, status as a U.S. veteran (disabled, Vietnam, or other), or any other status protected by university policy or local, state, or federal law. Any reported violations of equal employment opportunity laws or this policy are investigated. Recruiting privileges at ISU are only granted to organizations that agree to abide by the Discrimination and Harassment Policy of Iowa State University through all aspects of recruiting, hiring, and employment of students.
Students who experience discrimination, harassment or sexual misconduct in any aspect of recruiting, hiring or experiential education employment should report the incident to the Office of Equal Opportunity, 3410 Beardshear Hall, 515 Morrill Road, Ames, Iowa 50011, Tel. 515 294-7612, Hotline 515-294-1222, email eooffice@iastate.edu. More options for reporting sexual misconduct can be found on the Dean of Students Office website. If other students are at risk, please also inform your Career Services Office so immediate action can be taken to stop additional incidents. If you experience an issue while on a co-op or internship, also talk to your supervisor or your employer’s HR Department if you feel comfortable with these resources.
Job Postings and CyHire
All professional employment opportunities (internships, co-ops, and full-time) are promoted to ISU students through CyHire (ISU’s Career Management System). This helps to ensure equal employment opportunity by providing all students (on- and off-campus) an opportunity to learn about positions and apply if qualified.
CyHire is a resource provided to help ISU students and alumni seeking career-related employment connect with employers. The University does not endorse or recommend employers and a posting does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation. The University explicitly makes no representations or guarantees about job listings or the accuracy of the information provided by the employer.
On-Campus Recruiting Events
All recruiting-related events associated with Iowa State University must be co-hosted or administratively managed by a career services office, open to all interested students, and promoted through CyHire to help ensure fair and equal access. A recruiting event is any event where the focus is on promoting or filling the employment opportunities of one or more employers (i.e talking about specific employment opportunities, collecting resumes, etc.) Student organizations are encouraged to engage with employers, but the focus should be on technical and professional development activities. These interactions will provide employers with increased name recognition on campus and result in informal networking opportunities, which may have a positive impact on their recruiting efforts.
Cancelling or Missing an On-Campus Interview
Students must provide 48-hour or more notice to their college career services office if they need to cancel an interview. If late cancellation is unavoidable, the student should inform their college career services office as soon as possible and follow the ‘late notice/no show procedure’ explaining why the interview was missed. By maintaining a positive relationship with the employer, the student may be able to reschedule the interview. The decision to reschedule will be at the discretion of the employer.
Late Notice/No-Show Procedure
When proper notice is not provided, the individual’s CyHire account will be blocked removing the ability to schedule additional on-campus interviews. NOTE: any previously scheduled interviews should be kept or cancelled appropriately. To regain access to CyHire, an apology e-mail will need to be sent to the recruiter within three days of the missed interview. If needed, recruiter contact information may be obtained by visiting the career services office in which the interview took place. The student must copy their college’s career services office in the e-mail, so that verification can be made that the correct procedure was followed and the student’s account will then be unblocked. If an e-mail is not received within three business days of the missed interview, the student will lose access to CyHire until an apology email to the recruiter is sent.
Employment Contract Acceptance and Commitment (No Reneging Allowed)
Once an offer has been accepted, an individual should be prepared to keep their commitment and decline any future offers. All job searching activities including resume submission and interviewing should cease. Individuals who accept positions and later renege on their commitments, not only harm their reputations and future employment prospects, but they also damage the reputation of ISU and this has a negative effect on future recruiting plans of employers. Reneging also results in a loss of employment opportunity for those classmates who were next in line to be offered the positions. Individuals who renege on employment commitments, when the employers provides adequate time to consider the offer, will lose access to CyHire and their ability to participate in on-campus interviews. Students may petition the Director of their Career Services Office for privileges to be reinstated when extenuating circumstances are involved.
Student Group Presentations
Iowa State University Career Services will support presentation requests from academically-based student organizations and ISU offices when possible. However, presentations to non-academically based student organizations, including Greek organizations and residence halls, or non-ISU entities are generally not supported due to resource and time constraints.
College-Specific Policies and Procedures
Please check with the Career Services Office for your college for additional policies and procedures related to interactions with employers and recruiting activities.